Using QlikView and DistroWatch to report on the most popular open source...
Ok, so I am into FreeBSD and open source software, but I have recently had to do a QlikView implementation for my company LANDesk. QlikView has a feature where you can pull data from the web and...
View ArticlePC-BSD's Ports Console in a jail is cool, but I keep clicking when I want a...
Hello all, PC-BSD’s Ports Console in a jail is cool, but I keep clicking when I want a normal console! So today, I got fed up and I drew a new Icon for it: I then renamed it from Ports Console to...
View ArticlePCBSD 8 on an IBM T40
Hello all, I thought I would share my experiences of using PCBSD 8 on an IBM T40. I am going to put the information in separate headings, and I am going to document who is responsible for the feature...
View ArticleGUBUG: Let's start meeting again
I live in Utah. The BSD users group is called: The Greater Utah BSD Users Group (GUBUG). Unfortunately, I haven’t really seen any activity with this group in years. Sometimes I feel like the only...
View ArticleInstalling Windows 7 into a virtual machine on FreeBSD using VirtualBox
My job at LANDesk requires that I write code in C# for an application that only runs on Windows Server. I also have to test a lot of code on Windows 7. Like me, so many people are forced to run a...
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